Welcome to the VibraImage World! Open a new features in well known objects!
system is based on
technology. VibraImage is a new type of image and so primary as original color image, thermo image or x-ray image. Each image type gives a new and unique information about the object. Every pixel of vibraimage reflects frequency and/or amplitude of vibration for every image pixel. Combination of frequency and amplitude parameters looks like aura of person. This aura really reflects emotions and psychophysiological features of person. AuraVibra system is the modern realization and proof of the great past scientists theories as Charles Darwin, Ivan Sechenov, Konrad Lorenz and Emilio Mira y Lopez.
AuraVibra system includes:
- Digital video camera
- Microphone
- CD with VibraImage software and dongle protection
- Standard PC or NB
- Emotions detection and control
- Terrorists and criminals detector
- Psychological and medical monitoring
- Home and business psychological applications

VibraImage visualizes the psychological portrait of person, every live person has instant vibraimage. System calculates emotion levels as anger, tension or stress and detects lie of person in real time mode. AuraVibra system is very sensitive and could differ a little changes in person emotions, calculates the difference in conditions by mathematical parameters and frequency distribution histogram.
AuraVibra system allows analyzing the avi files, controls emotions and detects lie in recorded video.
AuraVibra system captures more than 20 vibraimage parameters as traditional EEG and ECG systems or Lie Detector.
VibraLie system monitors the emotion levels such as stress or anger and detect lie of person in real time live mode. VibraLie system allows analyzing the avi files and detects lie in recorded video.
VibraLie system allows capturing more than 20 different uncorrelated vibraimage parameters divided into 4 groups characterized amplitude, frequency, symmetry and processing of vibrations. Lie calculation works as in traditional lie detector and captured vibraimage parameters registers analogical to physiological parameters like EEG, ECG or SGR.
Take VibraImage or VibraLie systems now and be sure in emotions of your friends and U!
VibraImage technology has patent pending in Russia, USA and South Korea and was awarded by Gold medal on the International Exhibition of inventions and innovations Brussels - Eureka 2002.
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Look & Print Your Aura Everyday !
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